RFC (Request for Comment): a Naming schema for Citrix NetScaler ADC


In my day-to-day work (audits, project management, project oversight, architecture, …), I usually see Citrix NetScaler ADCs administered by someone else. In my audits, one of my first steps is checking for a consistent naming scheme. NetScalers tend to be chaotic if naming is chaotic.

Of course, one can argue that the naming of objects is not essential, but for me, it is also a gauge of how clean and orderly administration is. Furthermore, administering a larger, more complex environment from the command line only makes sense if there is a consistent naming scheme.

Some of my clients ask, “What should the naming of the objects be? Do you have a suggestion? Just saying it’s bad the way it is isn’t that helpful!” That’s true, and for many years I’ve had my own naming scheme, and that’s what I want to present here.

The title of this blog post says it all: an RFC is an attempt to normalize things. At the same time, it is not comparable to standards like ANSI (American National Standards Institute) or DIN (Deutsche Industrie Norm), or even more important, ÖNorm (Austria’s answer to ANSI), but actually something completely non-binding, a Request For Comment. It does not go beyond a proposal. Some of the RFCs have become so widely accepted in the industry, that you can speak of a de facto standard, others again have remained more or less ineffective.

By the way, in many cases, you can simply rename objects to make naming more consistent. You have to mark the object, then you can find rename in the Actions dropdown list.
Renaming vServers on Citrix NetScaler ADC

The structure of naming

To make things as simple as possible, I use the command line syntax. A typical command on a Citrix NetScaler looks something like this:
add lb vserver lb_vs_colors HTTP 80
add responder action rs_act_ssl redirect "\"https://\"+HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME+HTTP.REQ.URL.HTTP_URL_SAFE" -responseStatusCode 301
add responder policy rs_pol_ssl true res_act_ssl

  • First comes the command. add, show, bind, set, … The commands do not matter for the naming, because the same object can be processed with many commands.
  • Second we have the object type. lb for load-balancing. cs for content-switching, and many more.
  • The third is the subtype. vserver, service, policy, action etc.

This syntax is well-kept throughout the product and I find it very good.

My naming schema

… is therefore based on this syntax. The first part of the name denotes the object, the second the subtype. I divide the two with an underscore, following Citrix’s naming schema. For the names of the objects and subobjects, I stick roughly speaking to the command-line syntax.

I never use spaces in naming, even though it would be possible, as this would lead to a complete mess from the command line!

The most important Objects


(there is a mostly complete list at the end of this document)

Object shortcut to use
appfw (application firewall) appfw
appqoe (Application level Quality of Experience) appq
authorization autho
authentication authe
bot (Bot protection) bot
cache ca
cmp (Compression feature) cmp
cs (Content Switching) cs
dataset ds
expression exp
feo (Front End Optimization) feo
httpCallout hc
httpProfile httpprof
ica ica
lb (Load Balancing) lb
ldap Action ldap_act
ldap Policy ldap_pol
OAuth Action oaut_act
OAuth IdP Policy oautidp_pol
OAuth IDP Profile oautidp_act
patset (Pattern Set) pats
radius Action rad_act
radius Policy rad_pol
responder rs
rewrite rw
saml Action saml_act
saml IdP Policy samlidp_pol
saml IdP Profile samlidp_prof
saml Policy saml_pol
server sv
service sc
serviceGroup sg
ssl ssl
stringmap strmap
syslog Action syslog_act
syslog Policy syslog_pol
tacacs Action tacacs_act
tacacs Policy tacacs_pol
tcpProfile tcpp
transform transf
vpn (Citrix Gateway) vpn


While it’s easy to find all possible objects (just type add and then press the tab key twice), it is hard to find out all possible subobjects. So the list of subobjects will very likely be incomplete.

Name of the object shortcut to use
action act
group gp
ldapAction ldap_act
ldapPolicy ldap_pol
loginSchema loginsch
loginSchemaPolicy loginschp
monitor mon
OAuthAction oauth_act
OAuthIDPProfile oauth_idp_prof
OAuthIdPPolicy oauth_idp_pol
policy pol
policylabel pollbl
profile act (prof)
radiusAction rad_act
radiusPolicy rad_pol
samlAction saml_act
samlIdPPolicy samlidp_pol
samlIdPProfile samlidp_prof
samlPolicy saml_pol
server sr
service sc
service group sg
vserver vs



  • lb_vs_norzweb (the load-balancing virtual server my company website)
  • cs_vs_web (a content-switching virtual server, switching between several websites like norz.at, abenteuer.norz.at)
  • aaa_vs_owa (an authentication virtual server, used with Outlook Web Access)
  • vpn_vs_icaproxy (a gateway virtual server, used as an ICA proxy)

I am unsure about the virtual SSL servers. Some tend to replace the server type with ssl (ssl_vs_…). Personally, I put an _ssl at the end, because this keeps the type of server recognizable. lb_vs_web_ssl would be the ssl server for the website with this naming convention, compared to ssl_vs_web. In many cases, I don’t use ssl at all, as we generally use ssl all over our deployment and non-encrypted access is hardly used. cs_vs_ssl_redirect would be the server I use to redirect to SSL.


  • sc_red (a service, pointing to my red server)
  • sg_norz.at (a service group, containing both of the norz.at webservers)


In many cases, servers get created on the fly, and their name, therefore, is equivalent to the IP address. Unfortunately, if you change the IP address, the name and the IP will differ. That’s why I prefer to name servers correctly.

  • sr_norz.at_001 (the first webserver, hosting the norz.at website)
  • sr_norz.at_002 (the second webserver, hosting the norz.at website)


Normally, a policy consists of a name, an expression, and an action. The expression is the “if”, and the action is the “then”. If the URL is /red (HTTP.REQ.URL.EQ("/red")), then we perform the action. In many cases, the action is used for one policy only. In this case, I try to keep the names of policies and actions similar. An example would be rs_pol_sselredirect using the action rs_act_sselredirect. This helps an administrator to keep track of policy/action pairs.


Citrix distinguishes between actions and profiles but does not always distinguish according to comprehensible criteria, and the documentation is not always consistent, especially with authentication. The difference is marginal, an action is rather simple, a profile of complex nature. To avoid confusion, I, therefore, do not consider this difference, I call both actions.

  • rs_act_sslredirect (a responder action, redirecting to SSL ("https://"+HTTP.REQ.HOSTNAME+HTTP.REQ.URL))
  • rw_act_2lower (a rewrite action, changing the URL to lowercase)
  • ldap_act_proddomain (an LDAP authentication profile pointing to the productive domain)
  • appfw_act_norz.at (the profile of a web application firewall, protecting the norz.at website)
  • cs_act_elisabethnorzz (a content-switching action, directing to my wife’s homepage)


  • rs_pol_sslredirect (a responder policy, used to redirect to the SSL version of the homepage)
  • rw_pol_2lower (a rewrite policy, changing the URL to lowercase)
  • ldap_pol_proddomain (an LDAP authentication policy, using an action pointing to the productive domain)
  • appfw_pol_wonderkitchen (a web application firewall policy, protecting wonderkitchen’s web server)
  • cs_pol_elisabethnorz (a content-switching policy, directing to my wife’s homepage)

Other objects

  • strmap_old2new (a stringmap, containing old URLs and their corresponding new ones)
  • hc_blacklist (an http callout to a blacklist server)

More complete lists of objects

Objects and sub-objects

Object shortcut to use
accessprofile accp
acl acl
acl6 acl6
action64 act64
adfsProxyProfile adfsp
allowedngsticketprofile alng
alwaysONProfile aon
analytics anal
appflow af
appfw appfw
appsattributes appatr
appqoe appq
appsprofile approf
assignment assi
audit audit
authorization autho
authentication authe
authnProfile authp
autoscale as
azure az
bot bot
caCertGroup cacetrg
cache ca
callout cao
captchaAction capt
certAction cert_act
certKey certk
certPolicy cert_pol
cipher cipg
citrixAuthAction ctx_auta
client clnt
clientlessAccessPolicyn clnta_pol
clientlessAccessProfile clnta_act
clientprofile cp
cloud cl
cluster clu
cmdPolicy cmd_pol
cmp cmp
collector col
contentGroup contg
contentinspection conti
crl crl
crlt6 cr6
cs cs
dataset ds
db db
detection det
dfa dfa
dns dns
dtlsProfile dtlsp
dynamicRoutingn dr
emailActionp mail_act
encryptionKey enckey
epaAction apa_act
eula eula
expression exp
extension ext
feo feo
fieldType ftyp
filter filt
fis fis
forwardingSession fwsess
gslb gslb
hmacKey hmack
hsmKeymap hsmk
httpCallout hc
httphdrlogprofile httpph
httpProfilen httpprof
ica ica
identifier idf
inat inat
intranetApplication intrnapp
ip6 ip6
ipsec ips
ipsecalg ipscalg
ipset ipset
ipTunnel ipt
kcdAccount kdcac
key key
keyVault keyv
latencyprofile latp
lb lb
ldapAction ldap_act
ldapPolicy ldap_pol
limitIdentifier limid
localPolicy loc_pol
locationFile locfil
locationFile6 locfil6
loginSchema logsch
loginSchemaPolicy logschp
MapBmr mapb
MapDmr mapd
MapDomain mapdom
messageaction msg_act
metricTable mettab
nat64 nat64
negotiate ng
netbridge netbri
netProfile netpr
nextHopServer nhs
noAuthAction noauth_act
nodegroup nodg
nslog nslog
OAuthAction oauth_act
OAuthIdPPolicy outhaidp_pol
OAuthIDPProfile oauthidp_act
ocspResponder ocspres
pacing pac
partition part
patset pats
pbr pbr
pbr6 pbr6
pcoipProfile pcoip_prof
pcp pcp
portaltheme portt
preauthenticationaction preaut_act
preauthenticationpolicy preaut_pol
protocol prot
pushService pshsvc
quic quic
quicBridge quicbr
radiusAction rad_act
radiusNode rad_node
radiusPolicy rad_pol
rdp rdp
responder rs
rewrite rw
rnat rnat
rnat6 rnat6
rtspalgprofile rtsp
samlAction saml_act
samlIdPPolicy samlidp_pol
samlIdPProfile samlidp_prof
samlPolicy saml_pol
server sv
serverprofile svp
service sc
serviceFunction scf
serviceGroup sg
servicePath scp
simpleacl sacl
simpleacl6 sacl6
sipalgprofile sipal
smpp smpp
snmp snmp
spillover spi
ssl ssl
ssoprofile sso_prof
static stat
storefrontAuthAction storfaa
stream stream
stringmap strmap
subscriber bubs
suffix suf
syslogAction syslog_act
syslogPolicy syslog_pol
tacacsAction tacacs_act
tacacsPolicy tacacs_pol
tcpProfile tcp_prof
timer tim
tm tm
trafficDomain td
transform trns
transportprofile transp
tunnel tun
url url
vpn vpn
webAuthAction webaut_act
webAuthPolicy webaut_pol


a more complete list of Subobjects can be found here

While it’s easy to find all possible objects (just type add and then press the tab key twice), it is hard to find out all possible subobjects. So the list of subobjects will very likely be incomplete.

Name of the object shortcut to use
action act
adfsProxyProfile adfsp
authnProfile authp
azureKeyVault az_kv
captchaAction capt
certAction cert_act
certPolicy cert_pol
citrixAuthAction ctx_auta
confidField conf
dfaAction dfa_act
dfaPolicy dfa_pol
emailAction email_act
epaAction epa_act
fieldType fieldt
group grp
JSONContentType jsont
ldapAction ldap_act
ldapPolicy ldap_pol
localPolicy loc_pol
loginSchema loginsch
loginSchemaPolicy loginschp
metrictable mettab
monitor mon
multipartFormContentType mpfct
negotiateAction nego_act
negotiatePolicy nego_pol
noAuthAction noauth
OAuthAction oauth_act
OAuthIDPProfile oauth_idp_prof
OAuthIdPPolicy oauth_idp_pol
policy pol
policylabel poll
profile act (prof)
pushService pushs
radiusAction rad_act
radiusPolicy rad_pol
route rt
route6 rt6
samlAction saml_act
samlIdPPolicy samlidp_pol
samlIdPProfile samlidp_prof
samlPolicy saml_pol
server sr
service sc
service group sg
storefrontAuthAction sfaa
tacacsAction tacacs_act
tacacsPolicy tacacs_pol
urlEncodedFormContentType urlenc
vserver vs
webAuthAction weba_act
XMLContentType xmlct


About the author

Johannes Norz

Johannes Norz is a Citrix Certified Citrix Technology Advocate (CTA), Citrix Certified Instructor (CCI) and Citrix Certified Expert on Application Delivery and Security (CCE-AppDS).

He frequently works for Citrix international Consulting Services and several education centres all around the globe.

Johannes lives in Austria. He had been borne in Innsbruck, a small city (150.000 inhabitants) in the middle of the most beautiful Austrian mountains (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvdF145Lf2I)

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